Author Archives: Brit Ross Winthereik

Hanstholm in Denver

On November 12, 2015, we exhibited The Energy Walk in Denver as part of the Society for the Social Studies of Science’s new initiative to give voice to other kinds of contributions to our scholarship than merely text. During the 4 hours the exhibition lasted the Energy Walk was constantly being tried by interested visitors. Here’s an impression of what it looked like to do the walk in the US rather than in Hanstholm.


New publication (in Danish): Den Ontologiske Vending i Antropologi og Science and Technology Studies

Formålet med artiklen er at afsøge, hvad videnskabs- og teknologi- studier eller Science and Technology Studies (STS) tilbyder humaniora og samfundsvidenskaberne med det nybrud, der er blevet kaldt den ontologiske vending. Med udgangspunkt i en beskrivelse af den ontologiske vending i antropologi og STS, defineres vendingen som en særlig interesse for verdens beskaffenhed, og for spørgsmålet om hvordan man forholder sig analytisk til det, som findes, velvidende at det værende også tilvejebringes gennem analyse. Artiklen giver eksempler på ontologiske studier, herunder et eksempel fra Alien Energy projektet, hvordan den ontologiske vending udfordrer grænser mellem teori og empiri, analyse og intervention. 

Winthereik. 2015. Den Ontologiske Vending


Launch of the Energy Walk in Hanstholm

On September 6, 2014 the Energy Walk was launched in Hanstholm. Guided by a digital walking stick, visitors are taken on a 40-minute experience of energy at the edge, weaving together the seascape of the Danish Wave Energy Center, with other sustainable energies at the ‘edge’, from Orkney to Iceland.

Alien Energy_XMail_low_res

Four walking sticks are available and can be tried until November 1.The walking sticks are hosted by Færgegrillen from where they can be borrowed.

The event was covered by the local newspaper Nordjyske Stiftstidende (in Danish only), Digitale vandrestave var en god oplevelse.

Thanks to the many people who made this event possible: Thisted tourist office, Thisted municipality, Naturstyrelsen, Hansted Church, Schack Lindemann, Ulrich Ejvang Brandt, Peter Adolphsen, Jan Krogh, Martin Hoxer, Kaj Kirk, Henning Holm, Lucy Mardou, De Frie Forskningsråd and Christian Grant. Thanks to Per and Kirstine at Færgegrillen for hosting the event.