New publication (in Danish): Den Ontologiske Vending i Antropologi og Science and Technology Studies

Formålet med artiklen er at afsøge, hvad videnskabs- og teknologi- studier eller Science and Technology Studies (STS) tilbyder humaniora og samfundsvidenskaberne med det nybrud, der er blevet kaldt den ontologiske vending. Med udgangspunkt i en beskrivelse af den ontologiske vending i antropologi og STS, defineres vendingen som en særlig interesse for verdens beskaffenhed, og for spørgsmålet om hvordan man forholder sig analytisk til det, som findes, velvidende at det værende også tilvejebringes gennem analyse. Artiklen giver eksempler på ontologiske studier, herunder et eksempel fra Alien Energy projektet, hvordan den ontologiske vending udfordrer grænser mellem teori og empiri, analyse og intervention. 

Winthereik. 2015. Den Ontologiske Vending


Book published: Ebban An’ Flowan

Ebban an Flowan cover

Just launched! Ebban an’ flowan is the world’s first poetic primer on marine renewable energy. The book focuses on the Orkney islands, as the leading international test site for this nascent energy industry, and expands to reflect on its relationship with the Nordic countries across the sea.

Through both language and technology, the book explores how use is inflected with locality. A number of tide and wave energy devices are illustrated, some in dock, others in the sea, along with an anthology of their characterful names–mixing humour with invocations of classical myth and metamorphosis.

Ebban an’ flowan explores the technical and mythic vocabulary which is evolving alongside marine energy devices. The book offers a unique, creative perspective on this social and technical world by gathering together maritime dialect expressions from across the Norse languages, connecting the older lore of the sea with the new lore of ocean energy generation. An innovative range of poems, maxims, and dictionaries connect tide and wave engineers with the older wisdom of mariners, fisherfolk, and mythic selkies or tangies, to suggest how a language of marine energy may, in some imagined future, grow from words, lodged in collective memory.

Languages also have their tides: the energy of speech, as its sound rises and lulls, is always ebban an’ flowan.

The project is inspired by ongoing social research in collaboration with people and places around marine energy in Orkney, conducted as part of the Alien Energy project at the IT University of Copenhagen.

Alec Finlay and Laura Watts, with Alistair Peebles
pb, 56 pages, morning star, 2015; edition of 500 copies; ISBN: 978-1904477150

Price 10.00 GBP / 13.00 EUR

To obtain your copy please visit

Or visit Studio Alec Finlay’s bookshop at

Report on Invisible Work at EMEC


Old Academy, Stromness, site of the European Marine Energy Centre (image courtesy Sigurd Towrie)

The final report on fieldwork at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) last year, has just been released. This report brings together ideas on ‘care’ (from Puig de la Bellacasa) and ‘dialogic discourse’ (from Bakhtin) to consider to the sociotechnical ‘Invisible Work’ on going in this marine energy test site in Orkney, Scotland, and how this affects the marine energy industry more widely.

It was written by our Research Assistant, Rebecca Ford, who conducted the fieldwork (August-November 2014).

Download and read the Invisible Work at EMEC report.

Our thanks to everyone at EMEC who have so warmly supported this project, and given their time generously to help us with our insights.

Alien Energy in Land Art Generator Initiative book

newenergies_coverWe are delighted to announce that Laura Watts and Brit Ross Winthereik have a joint-written article in the newly launched book from the Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI).

LAGI is an art-architecture competition, held this year in Copenhagen, which aims to imagine the design and construction of public art installations that uniquely combine aesthetics with utility-scale clean energy generation.

The book, New Energies: Land Art Generator Initiative, Copenhagen, accompanies the competition and features a selection of the best entries from architects and designers around the world, alongside thought-provoking writing.

Read the article