Just launched, is a collection of seven cards that demonstrate the Invisible Work ongoing at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), in the Orkney islands, Scotland, one of the fieldsites for our Alien Energy research project.
Seasmith, Prophet, Transducer, Storyteller, Beacon, Selkie: Each card personifies one service provided by EMEC. Each is a ‘living technology’ of social and technical expertise that makes the test site work, alongside the better-known wave and tide energy infrastructure. This expertise is usually invisible, but is essential to both the test site, and the future of the marine energy industry as a whole.
These cards and their insights were developed by Laura Watts with our Research Assistant in Orkney, Rebecca Ford, as part of a specific collaboration with EMEC during October-December 2014. Thanks to everyone in Orkney who helped us along the way…